Dragon Stone


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It was a dark night in the city of Faneadar, yet Kylendel did not mind, for he enjoyed the night. Kylendel, you see, is no ordinary elf, he’s a Dusk, yes, a Dusk elf, but unlike his kin he is not evil.
Kylendel was sent out on a raiding party, which took place shortly after his twenty-fifth birthday. There he met a half Dusk elf and half Human, named Gabrial. So, like others of his race, he decided to forsake his people and go on his way.
He managed to escape the underground city of Faneadar, with Gabrial. They took with them two large red ruby crystals, of great worth, which they had acquired during their escape. Unknown to them, was that one of the crystals was actually the great Dragon Stone. A very powerful stone, which could cause immense damage, if it were ever to fall into the wrong hands.
No longer serving the evil Goddess Yolesstra, Kylendel married Gabrial and soon after found his closest friend, Zesstra, the ex-matron mother of the house of Demsek. Upon his visit with her he learnt that one of the gems he had stolen from the forbidden room was the most sought after gem, known as the Dragon Stone.

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eBook (.doc format), eBook ( ePUB format), Audiobook (mp3 format)


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